Canned Responses empower your business to chat with personality and speed. The chats made in Chat Automation>Canned Responses appear in the customer support page, where they can easily transfer to a chat. This process allows you to type a sentence once, and use it frequently. Follow these steps to create a Canned Response:
- Sign into your OV Business Portal.
- Select the Chat Automation tab from the navigation bar along the top of the screen.
- Select the New Response button
- Enter the Response Nickname. This is how you will recognize the response. i.e. “Hours of Operation”, “Thank you message”
- Enter the Response Text. This is the message that will be sent to the customer. i.e. “We’re open 9am-5pm weekdays, and 10am-2pm weekend days.”, “Thanks for chatting, have a great day!”
- Select an optional attachment to send with the canned response (Existing Offer, Image, URL), or choose to send with no attachment.
- Select the Add Response button to save your Canned Response.
Strategy: Create a canned response for greeting guests, saying goodbye to guests and any common questions.